Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One more sleep.

This was one of those "dash around madly" days, or so it felt from my perspective. I feel a bit like I am about to step off a precipice. I'm not actually scared, just a bit frantic. Anyway, I think I will settle quite well once we are on our way, but right now it feels slightly impossible. (Don't you love oxymoron?)

Hopefully, nothing really important will be forgotten, and I manage to get on the plane with matching socks. What else could I ask for.

I went around and held all the smallest grandbabies yesterday and today. I am thinking that I will miss a fair amount of them growing, over 5 weeks. They change so quickly. I got smiles from all, and a report from Linaya on going to work with Daddy.

1 comment:

  1. I will be the first to congratulate you on starting a blog. I look forward to following your travels and will be praying for your safety of travel and stamina to keep up with such a busy life. Thanks for letting me know!
